College for

Courses and Training – Complementary Courses

COLLL sponsorship vouchers for online courses

Our online courses are personalized and must be purchased under the name that will ultimately appear on the certificate. Transferring a purchased course is not possible for technical reasons.

We now offer voucher codes that can be purchased from your customer account, but are redeemable on any other Elopage customer account. This way you can personally certify your friends, colleagues or employees and get the invoice for the course in your name. After purchasing the voucher, you will be sent a voucher code that you can pass on. The person receiving the gift then only needs to create an Elopage customer account, enter the voucher code when purchasing the online course and receive the course free of charge..

Each voucher code can only be used once and is only valid for one of the assigned courses. So you need to buy a voucher code that exactly matches the price of the course you want. For multiple courses, you will need multiple coupon codes.

Sponsorship vouchers are available for the following online courses. 
The links will take you directly to the corresponding offer at Elopage.

Valid for the course:
  • Certified Training - The Big Course on Photomedicine (english)
Valid for the course:
  • Der große Kurs der Photobiomodulation (german)
Valid for the course:
  • Ohrakupunktur bei Hunden und Pferden - Onlinevideokurs (german)
Valid for the course:
  • Certified Training: Photobiomodulation for the brain (english)
Valid for the course:
  • Laser-Frequenztherapie (Human / Veterinär) (german)
  • Certified Training - Successful Publishing in Science (german)
  • Lasertherapie / Photobiomodulation Veterinär - Basiskurs (german)
  • Laser-Frequenztherapie (Human / Veterinär) (german)
  • Lasertherapie Veterinär: Orthopädie, Neurologie, Traumatologie - Aufbaukurs I (german)
  • Lasertherapie Veterinär: Innere Medizin, Dermatologie, Zahnheilkunde, Verhalten - Aufbaukurs II (german)
  • Lasertherapie / Photobiomodulation in der Dermatologie (german)
Valid for the course:
  • Prüfung für das Zertifikat Lasertherapie Veterinär (german)
  • Prüfung für das Zertifikat Laser-Phototherapie Tierphysiotherapie (german)
Valid for the course:
  • Lasertherapie / Photobiomodulation in der Sportmedizin (german)
  • Certified Training Laser Therapy / Photobiomodulation in Dentistry (english)
Valid for the course:
  • Lasertherapie Veterinär: Integration - Aufbaukurs III Teil 1 (german)
  • Lasertherapie Veterinär: Integration - Aufbaukurs III Teil 2 (german)
Valid for the course:
  • All-in-One Onlinekurs Laserschutzbeauftragter Medizin (PBM) inkl. Zertifikat nach TROS (german)
  • Online Training - Laser Phototherapy in Dentistry (englisch) (german)
  • Lasertherapie / Photobiomodulation in der Orthopädie (german)
Valid for the course:
  • Die Nogier-Frequenzen (german)
  • The treasure of Nogier frequencies (english)
Valid for the course:
  • Die SOL Frequenzen (german)
Valid for the course:
  • Themenkurs - Akupunktur bei Hund und Katze (german)
  • Theme course - Acupuncture for dogs and cats (english)
  • Themenkurs - Akupunktur und Lasertherapie am Pferd (german)
  • Theme course - Equine Acupuncture (englisch)
  • Der RAC (Refléxe auriculo-cardiaque) (german)
  • The RAC / The VAS (english)